Sunday, September 18, 2005

One down...


I have a sock! Stitching up the toe requires a little more brain power than I can muster tonight, but I am thrilled with how this came out. Let’s hope its twin is identical.

On my trip out to Virginia (see below), I made a stop at AC Moore to see what they had for yarn. They sometimes have some decent or at least interesting stuff to go along with the Red Heart.

I found this lovely Lion Brand Homespun. I won’t be able to duplicate the color via computer but it is really bright and sunny, raspberry, coral, yellow. I am making the spiral scarf for my friend Deanna for her b’day or Christmas. She looks great in these colors, she must be a spring. I love this color scheme but can’t wear it. I am a winter, alas. This is a quick knit and I can’t wait to see how it spirals.

I love living in DC, but there are no stores. So I usually to out to Baileys Crossroads and Seven Corners in Va. And I bundle the trip. I never hit just one store because that would be a waste of driving out there. And just about every store a person could need is there: Home Despot, Target, Shoppers, Safeway, Giant, Borders, World Market, Pier One, Michaels, AC Moore, Best Buy…you get my drift. When I moved here in 1995 I remember being amazed at the number of stores in Virginia.

I have pretty much two straight weeks of business trips coming up. Hopefully I will get a lot of knitting time. It’s hard to pack projects for travel, no? There are so many little things that I might need.

The irony is that Charles is in town this weekend, but he is sick so I haven't seen him. (Let is go Sarah.) Plus his sister is here and he was not ready to introduce the little white girl. He had another job interview in St. Louis this week. I have a feeling he will be moving sooner rather than later. Makes me kind of sad. Who knows what will happen.

Home Improvements
I had anther home improvement weekend. Last May I had my radiators taken out to be sandblasted and enameled. They had been painted over and over in a shade I call “Apartment White” and looked really grungy and dirty. You aren’t supposed to put wall paint on radiators so I thought I would liberate them. When I moved in here 3 years ago, everything was painted this shade. Horrible.

I couldn’t reach behind the radiators when I painted my living room and bedroom so this was my opportunity to paint the walls and baseboards. This took much longer than I had planned, like most home projects. I finished the living room and both baseboards Saturday and thought I would breeze through the bedroom today.


I went into the closet this morning to get the Silverberry bedroom paint only to remember that I had used every last drop.

Emergency trip to Home Despot, on a Sunday no less. All of humanity was there. Never visit Home Despot on the weekend. Friday night is perfect, no one is there. (Hey I just had a brainstorm. They should have a singles happy hour on Friday nights to drum up some business.)

Of course it took me 4 months to do this quick paint job, but anyway, it’s done. And I scrounged a bookshelf out of the trash last week so now that needs to be painted. So I will get started on that now that all the painting supplies are out.

That Sunday night dread is coming on. You know the feeling. "Ugh, I have to go to work tomorrow."

Make the most of it.

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