Why is it that once male hetero culture adopts something The Rest of Us have been doing all along, it gets renamed, usually with the prefix Male or
Over the weekend I came across two new words that I fear are going to enter the vernacular: male-cation and male-lationship.
The Rest of Us have been going on vacation with people of the same sex for a long time. It’s fun, afterall, they are friends, their parents own a condo, it’s a cheap way to get away. And we have been having loving, platonic relationships with people of the same sex because it is rewarding, develops us into well-rounded and stable individuals, and is part of human nature.
Why is it that all of a sudden the hetero male culture is embracing going on a vacation with the guys and admitting to having loving, platonic relationships with other men, and it gets renamed. Like they invented it.
I am so glad I am not a man. It must be so constricting. I meet so many men who are afraid to show their feelings, compliment another guy on his looks, admire someone, wear clothes that are too big (yes, it’s true) because it might be construed as being gay. Makes me love being a woman even more.