Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Have you tried winter sowing?

What is winter sowing?
A couple of years ago a method of seed-starting called winter sowing appeared on my radar. I was intrigued because it sounded so easy and pretty foolproof, and it does not require any special equipment like lights and heat mats. But at that time, after doing a little research, I had the sense that the weather had to be consistently cold for it to work. That winter seemed to be too mild here in the mid-Atlantic so I decided to not try.

And it's back
Winter sowing has come up a couple of times at gardening events this winter by people who LOVE it. Back in February at a seed swap there was an unplanned discussion and lots of questions. I came away hearing that it was getting too late at that point in early February. I am ALWAYS late starting my seeds, but I was not ready so I let it go, promising myself, “There’s always next year.” 

And it came up AGAIN last night at my garden club meeting. The guest speaker just started what she called her tropical vegetables – tomatoes, eggplant, peppers – using the winter sowing method so I am going to finally try it. Don’t be scared off by the rules, gardeners!
My first attempt at winter sowing, a method to start seeds.

How to do it 
Essentially, you start seeds in clear, enclosed containers, like a milk jug or bakery clam shell that resemble a tiny greenhouse, put the trays outside in a sunny location – yup, you read that right – and leave them alone. This process is replicating seeds that are sitting in your dirt right now waiting for the right time to start sprouting. You can see in the photo:
  1. I used a cupcake container from the grocery story
  2. Poked drainage holes
  3. Labeled each well
  4. Filled the wells with seed starting mix that I thoroughly watered
  5. Plopped 4 seeds per well in the mix and lightly covered
  6. Placed outside in a sunny spot that is sheltered from wind
I hope you are going to try it, too! Check back so see how it goes.

Winter sowing resources on the web

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Behind in your garden planning?

Behind in your garden planning? Hey, me too, what a coincidence!

I have awoken along with the daffodils that are blooming and the tulips that are sprouting.

Maybe I need that sense of urgency. I am working on finding a new full-time job, taken a part-time job, started a small business and working on a certificate in web development at my local community college so I am doing other things that have a higher priority-like earning a living.

Enter gardening which for me is a fun hobby that gives me a really important break from the stresses of life. Secondarily, it is now allowing me to procrastinate the assignment I have due this week.  

Garden Plot Spreadsheet
Here is one of the ways I plan my garden, specifically the 4 foot by 8 foot raised bed. It’s a simple Excel spreadsheet that I use to identify what is going in each square foot and what is coming up next in that same spot for the summer plot. The spinach will die off when it starts to get hot, but it can share the space with the carrots because they will grow into the summer. I have column with a list of the plants and the date I want to either start indoors or direct sow (put the seeds in the dirt outside). It is really helpful to keep notes like this to refer to next year. I am happy to share this spreadsheet, send me an email and in the meantime I am going to figure out how to share on Google Docs or something similar.

Spring vegetables like spinach, lettuce, arugula and radish will not continue to produce when it starts to get too hot, but growing these things in the spring is so rewarding. Salad alone is my goal. And planning for summer at the same time does not take all that much more time. So bundle your planning.

Contact Me
If you have any questions, please get in touch via email or leave a comment below.