Sunday, July 30, 2006

Dirty under my fingernails

I spent a wonderful morning at the CSA (community supported agriculture) I have a share in this summer. Stoney Lonesome Farm is out in Gainsville, VA, about a 50 minute drive from DC. Part of having a share is volunteering some time at the farm.

Today I picked cherry tomatoes, harvested potatoes (what a kick that was), cleaned potatoes, and cleaned onions for the share-holders picking up today. And I met some really nice, down-to-Earth, normal people that I think are so hard to find in this area.

I came home sweaty, dirty, sunburned, tired, and feeling great. It was so satisfying to see all the work we did in the morning come together in just a few hours and become food for the share-holders to pick up this afternoon.

Now I will have an even greater appreciation for the farm and what goes into the beautiful vegetables, herbs, and flowers that I pick up every Thursday in Northwest.

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